Test URL
You may input like this: http://example.com/index.php
HTTP request method
Support GET and POST
You can specify one or random one!
Thread num
Reasonable options work better, Opening too many threads may cause the phone to get stuck!
Request timeout and Response timeout
Request parameters
You may input like this: username=test&password=123456
Request headers
It is the same as the request parameter, You may input like this: username=test&password=123456
Built-in function
1. $randomNumbers(length)
example: $randomNumbers(6) maybe 000000-999999
2. $randomCapitalLetters(length)
example: $randomCapitalLetters(4) maybe AAAA-FFFF
3. $randomLowerCaseLetters(length)
example: $randomLowerCaseLetters(4) maybe aaaa-ffff
4. $uuid()
The java code is: UUID.randomUUID().toString()
5. $time()
example: $time() maybe 1627313060000
6. $timesec()
example: $timesec() maybe 1627313060
7. $date()
example: $date() maybe 20210701
8. $datetime()
example: $datetime() maybe 20210701235959
9. $md5(str)
example: $md5(123456) = e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
10. $md5Up(str)
example: $md5Up(123456) = E10ADC3949BA59ABBE56E057F20F883E
11. $sha(str)
example: $sha(123456) = 7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b
12. $shaUp(str)
example: $shaUp(123456) = 7C4A8D09CA3762AF61E59520943DC26494F8941B
13. $randomChinese(length)
example: $randomChinese(2) maybe 中文
Advanced Usage
1.This URL can be used to simulate the concurrency of website login: http://example.com/api/login.php?username=test&password=$md5(123456)&time=$time()
2.You can use built-in functions to build more usage: http://example.com/api/query.php?requestid=$uuid()orhttp://example.com/api/query.php?requestid=$md5($uuid())